Most citizens take out insurance out on a car, their house or health. Some celebrities and sports stars take out insurance on their bodies. But there are some people in world who like to take out insurance on crazy things and what`s more funny is the fact that some crazy insurance companies allow it.
Here`s a list of some of the craziest things people take out insurance on.
1. Twins Insurance
If you are expecting a baby you may be interested in twin insurance. It insures against additional costs with having more children but you have to act fast as most insurance companies demand the insurance be in place before 12 weeks or have a scan.
2. Alien Abduction Insurance
Another crazy insurance is against being abducted by aliens. Insurance companies will pay this out if you can prove extraterrestrials abducted you and returned to earth. Some insurers even go as far as covering for impregnation by aliens.
3. Spooksafe Insurance
This crazy insurance covers people against ghost trauma. The insurance also covers for up to £1 million if proven that you have been transformed into a vampire or werewolf. :)
4. Ransom Insurance
Somewhere kidnapping is a common crime and so some people take out ransom insurance. This protects whole family from the effects of kidnapping by covering the full ransom being demanded and also its delivery cost.
5. Conceiving Immaculately Insurance
Couple of years ago, 3 religious sisters from Scotland did insured themselves against “conceiving immaculately”. UK Insurance company covered them for £1 million if one of them is carrying the second coming. There was harsh criticism of this crazy policy that was supposed to cover the cost of bringing up a new Jesus. The Catholic Church was terrified and this crazy insurance policy was withdrawn.
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